Special Education

Hastings Public Schools’ Special Services Department, in partnership with students, parents, and the community, strives to deliver a continuum of services and specially designed instruction to equip learners with skills for lifelong learning and post-secondary success. District 200 provides a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to students from birth through age 22 who attend both public and private schools. Student needs, goals, services, and placement are determined by an IEP or IFSP team. Teams balance appropriate and necessary services with a student’s least restrictive environment to provide specialized instruction and related services.

Frequent communication between general education teachers and special education teachers ensures that all team members are aware of the disability and that the adaptations in the delivery of instruction, expectations, and evaluation can be made to fit the individual needs of the student. Students will be provided the opportunity to receive meaningful benefits from and access to the general education curriculum to the extent appropriate, as determined by the IEP.

The following range of services are available based on individual needs and team decisions:

  • Students with disabilities functioning in the regular education program with the assistance of special education supportive services such as consultation with the classroom teacher, monitoring progress, modification of the curriculum, or direct teaching within the regular classroom.
  • Students with disabilities functioning in the regular education program but needing services outside the regular classroom.
  • Students with disabilities whose primary placement is in a special education program with some mainstreaming in regular education.
  • Students who, due to extensive needs deriving from a disability, receive instruction in specialized programs in their school or locations other than their home school.



  • We believe all students belong to our community and all staff have a role in preparing them to be functioning members of our community.
  • We believe all students can learn and deserve to have their educational needs met.
  • We believe students will be active participants and responsible for understanding their disabilities in order to advocate for themselves.
  • We believe in the protection of the rights of our students and their families.
  • We believe curriculum content needs to provide a full spectrum of options for all students in the least restrictive environment appropriate. Curriculum will be individualized, functional, and appropriate.
  • We believe programs that serve students with disabilities need to be a team venture between students, parents, educators, and the community. Services will revolve around the student’s strengths and needs. Service will create a smooth transition throughout the student's educational career and into their adult lives.
  • We believe parents are primary educators and an integral part of the team.
  • We believe in data-driven outcomes as a way of monitoring and documenting student change and service quality.
  • We believe in the process of special education evaluation, eligibility determination, and the development of a written individual education plan.


  • Promote independence in order to become lifelong learners and functional members of the community. 
  • Provide a continuous process of staff development available for stakeholders.
  • Provide a full spectrum of research-based curriculum and service options utilizing a team process. 
  • Use data-driven outcomes to document student progress.
  • Utilize an ongoing process for review of student files according to MDE Special Education Compliance Standards.