We're Proud


Community support for Hastings Schools is strong!

Two district Stakeholder Surveys were conducted - one in the summer of 2022 and the second in the spring of this year - to obtain opinions regarding the state of Hastings schools and provide insights of the community’s educational and wellness priorities. The 2023 survey also gauged the community’s feelings regarding referendums to support our schools. Among other findings, the surveys revealed the following:

  • 89% strongly agree or agree with the statement “I trust the school district to do what’s best for students.”

  • 86% “agree” or “strongly agree” with the statement, “Strong public schools are directly linked to the well-being of our community.”

Responsible Financial Management

Our school district has received the Minnesota Department of Education School Finance Award for timely, accurate, and sound financial reporting and management every year since 2008! We know that every dollar matters, and we’ve worked hard to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars.

Most funds are dedicated directly to the classroom

dollar bill split
click on image for a larger view

Responsible ESSER & Bond Spending

ESSER dollars, federal funding provided to schools to manage the Covid pandemic, were invested in capital purchases. Also, due to construction projects under-budget and smart financial management, we are able to use some of the 2017 voter-approved bonds for additional classroom updates in the areas of safety and technology.