The Plan

The Plan

Hastings Public Schools proposes a capital projects technology levy to Empower Students. The capital project technology levy would generate $2 million annually for a period of 10 years, a threshold that was supported by voters who participated in a 2023 community opinion survey.

bridge to learning logo  64% of levy

Bridge to Learning - Student and staff learning devices and reliable access

  • Learning space for audio and visual systems and essential technology-based academic software tools
  • Staff and student devices, critical technology infrastructure, and equipment
  • Training and technology support positions

The levy would fund student devices, interactive classroom displays, classroom audio amplification, staff devices, digital classroom software, learning management systems, building-level instructional technology support, and infrastructure for reliable access.

bridge to safety  36% of levy

Bridge to Safety and Security - Building and grounds security and cyber security

  • Physical security 
  • Cybersecurity solutions

Facility and online security are of utmost importance in today’s school environment. The tech levy would fund secured electronic door systems, facility and grounds surveillance, 2-way radio communications systems, visitor management systems, cyber security and student data privacy, annual insurance requirements, and district-wide security software.
bridge to innovation  innovation icon

Bridge to Innovation - Innovational opportunities and possibilities

  • Provide additional resources to students with mental or emotional health needs 
  • Provide additional academic support for struggling students
  • Righting our financial ship

Currently, all technology expenses come from the general fund that pays teacher salaries and funds educational programs. This proposal would allow resources to be reallocated to other core functions based on student needs and aligned with our strategic plan.

Investing for Today and Tomorrow

By investing our tax dollars in the proposed technology levy, we are not only making a commitment to our students’ technology experience today but also ensuring they are equipped to face the rapidly changing demands of the future. In addition, this would allow the ability to elevate the protection of our students, families, and staff sensitive, protected, and confidential data.

Examples of the programs, software, and equipment that would be supported by tech levy funds
technology examples
Click on the image above for a larger view

What if the referendum is not approved?

We have a solid foundation for technology and plan to continue to equip our students and staff with competitive technology while also ensuring the highest level of safety and security. If the technology levy is not supported, difficult decisions to prioritize technology spending will need to be made, and replacement cycles will need to be extended.