The Need

Why Hastings needs a technology levy

Hastings Public Schools does not have a dedicated revenue source for the technology and tech systems students need to face the rapidly changing demands of the future.

Why technology is so important

  • To be prepared for life after school, students use technology as they study and complete assignments.
  • Teachers, support staff, bus drivers, administrators, and more use technology nearly every moment of the day. 
  • Technology, in the form of security cameras, cyber security software, and cyberbullying instruction, helps keep students and staff safe

Most would agree that technology has become critical in how we work, live, and play. The same is true in public education. At Hastings Public Schools, critical technology needs include:

  • Classroom technology equipment
  • Student and staff devices
  • School safety and security systems
  • Cyber security software 
  • Technology support for students and staff
  • Technology infrastructure for internet and network access
  • Software to support district operations

Technology is infused into every aspect of the work of Hastings Public Schools. Today we fund all technology resources from the general fund which is the main revenue source for all expenses, excluding Community Education, Food Service, and Debt Service.

Budget reductions have not solved our budget challenges

  • The district still faces budget challenges despite $3.5 million in budget cuts and the extension of an operating levy. 

We have been on a path of financial austerity over the last three years, consistently adjusting our budget. We expected to have to go to voters this fall with an operating levy request to replace our expiring levy. Instead, the school board, under new legislation, approved the extension of the operating levy that provides nearly $3 million in annual revenue. Of 13 eligible school districts, all of them took advantage of this new law, and their boards approved an extension of their levies.

Why the budget challenges? Similar school districts have larger levies

Neighboring districts have larger operating levies or tech levies, putting us at a competitive disadvantage.

Residential Taxes Comparison
tax home value

Agricultural Taxes Comparison
AgAcre Tax Graph

Per Pupil Levy Comparison
Per pupil cost
click on image below for a larger view
Ransom attacks